
About me

My name is Jana Potter and I am weaver and spinner based in Oundle.I like using wool in my weaving as I am finding it a fantastic nature fibre to work with. I do weave with cotton as well.


I do use mostly 10 shaft Varpapuu floor weaving loom for my weaving (Very similar to Glimakra floor loom), but I have Dryad 4 shaft table loom as well, mostly to take with me to fairs for public to use.
I would class myself as weaving loom enhusiast, as I am always on the search for "new" weaving loom designs and I enjoy inspecting other people looms, how they work, I like exploring the mechanics of different looms and how they do affect the actual weaving and the weaver.


I spin sheep fleeces into the wool mostly used in knitting, as I like to spin it quite chunky.I start with the sheep fleece bought from the farmer, sort it, wash it, card it and spin it. I use Ashford Elizabeth I with Jumbo flyer set as double drive, but I have started spinning on the double drive flax wheel unknown make converted for spinning wool.


I was introduced to a lot of the handicrafts conected to textiles very early by my mum. She tought me handsewing, embroidery, knititng and crocheting.
I was always thinking about getting spinning wheel,and I got one for a birthday from my husband. Then I bought old rusty two shaft table loom at the local auction. I was hooked. my friend lend me her floor loom. once I got more space in the outside studio, I got myself even bigger floor loom with a lot of extras, some of them still waiting to be used when I am ready. ..and I have borrowed a dobby loom that is still waiting to be put into action.
